The Project
The CINE-forum project aims to use movies as a tool for non-formal education to raise awareness about various social and environmental topics through cinema and debate activities. The project has two main objectives: to promote the film as a non-formal education tool for educators to stimulate adults’ thinking about selected topics, encouraging them to take action to benefit their communities.
By using movies as a new educational tool, the project will create new learning opportunities for citizens of all ages, making film-based education an exciting concept. The project aims to produce a more inclusive and sustainable society, tackling social discrimination, diversity and environmental degradation and encouraging citizens to take action to create equitable and responsive communities.
Project Objectives
Objective 1
to promote the benefit of film as a non-formal- education tool among educators in order to stimulate the sense of thinking and initiative of adult learners.
Objective 2
to stimulate adults people sense of thinking about some social topics, with the final aim of stimulating them to take actions from which the communities they live in can benefit.
Project Results
Cineforum Toolkit
This Toolkit, the result of the transnational cooperation partnership, is based on a methodology tested internationally and locally in various local realities. It provides an understanding of film-based non-formal education and creates guidelines for implementing the methodology developed in the contect of the Cineforum project into practice. It benefits citizens participating in the local activities and canĀ serve as a valuable tool for anyone who wishes to implement this methodology in various contexts.
Go ahead and check our results in an engaging online course format!